Difference between Data and Information

  • Data consists of unprocessed raw facts.
  • Data is used as input in the computer.
  • Data is not meaningful.
  • Data is normally huge in its volume.
  • Data is the asset of organization and is not available to people for sale.
  • Data is difficult or even impossible to reproduce.Suppose Government loses data of census.It is almost impossible to reproduce it.
  • Data is used rarely.
  • Data is an independent entity.
  • Data is not used in decision-making.
  • Information is the processed  form of data.
  • Information is the output of computer.
  • Information is meaningful.
  • Information is normally short in volume.
  • Information is normally available to people for sale.
  • Information is easier to reproduce if lost.For example,if the list of illiterate citizens is lost,it can be reproduced easily from stored data.
  • Information is used frequently.
  • Information depends on data.
  • Information is very important for decision-making.


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